Friday, August 03, 2007

Kulliyah Jumaat : What's Your Beef Khairy Jamaludin?

Today's the Star reports

“Anwar is a puppet of the United States and the Jews, thus he must be hounded until there is no more place for him to run to,” he told a state Umno Youth gathering on Wednesday night."
But Khairy, is it really because of Anwar?

Or maybe you were upset that sometime in 2005 your other American and Jewish friends, Merill Lynch, downgraded Malaysia's investment rating after their investment banking's side helped organise an international roadshow headed by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to promote the country in London and New York as an investment haven?

So what is the real beef Khairy?

Is it Halal or is it Kosher? ;)

P.S. Today's Kulliyah is english because I am in solidarity with my Jewish brother against anti-semites like Khairy Jamaludin

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