Thursday, March 06, 2008

From the Frontline

Across the country, politicians are becoming shetland ponies.

Yeah. A little ho(a)rse - shouting, cajoling, pleading, hectoring, castigating, laughing, smiling and generally abusing their vocal cords for support while others get cash to keep the campaign going. Some pluck guitar strings to tug at heart strings for a vote or at least a sympathetic ear to their cause.

Then there are those quietly confident of victory while others get a boost in support.

The Siber Party of Malaysia (M)? We won five and are now going for other seats. Just an X by all voters and we are a shoo-in to win the other seats. Our manifesto has found resonance, yet there are other issues we need to cover and reassure that we remain a party that cares for all.

For example, we have previously said we will cut the civil service by half but having seen the crime index shoot up over the past two years, we now intend to turn most of the General Operations Force and the Federal Reserve Unit personnel into general duty policemen.

We believe this can free up about 10 percent of the current 90,000-strong police force apart from on-going efforts to get the uniformed personnel who do administrative work to actually patrol the streets.

We also want to get the breweries to reduce beer prices. Nothing better than affordable beer to keep one straight and narrow and totally sober.

Well, that is our experience in Langkawi, Labuan and now Tioman whenever we go for parties. Beer to cheap that we just want to drink water.

Also, more importantly, we discovered that there are many of the Christian faithful fretting about the creeping Islamisation in the country and the banning of the word Allah. While we oppose this arbitrary banning, we think it is not a reason to migrate or claim oppression.

Come on, wouldn't you make some noise if the ruling coalition made it mandatory to use the word Allah. So get with the programme and punish the ruling parties, put the X for us.

After all, every vote is sacred.


Anonymous said...


Analisis terbaru merumuskan Barisan Nasional berada dalam keadaan yang amat tertekan. Takut kempen tak sampai hala-tujuan.

Terpaksalah teknik pengundian berulang kembali dipraktiskan. Hantu-hantu belaan dikerah pastikan kemenangan untuk calon Barisan.

Maaflah, dakwat penanda tak dapat sambutan. Mungkin sekadar gimick dan hanya hiburan. Bagaimana rakyat Malaysia mudah diperbodoh-bodohkan.

Bangunlah dan buka mata rakyat sekalian. Tunjukkan kita mampu untuk hentikan... segala salah guna kuasa dan pelbagai penipuan.

Beranilah UNDI untuk satu perubahan.

Selamat Menunaikan Tanggungjawab Kepada Seluruh Rakyat Malaysia Yang Berkelayakan.

Pilihan Raya Umum ke 12, 2008
Referendum Rakyat Membenteras Penyelewengan.

Mat Merah said...

Terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada kakitangan spr kerana sudi melawat dan memberi komen.

Tapi tidak kah saudara/saudari patut berkecuali dalam mengendalikan pilihanraya?

Dan siapa atau dari mana kah pihak tuan mendapat analisis tersebut?

Nampak gaya saudara/saudari menyeleweng membazir prasarana kerajaan yang dibiayai dengan duit cukai rakyat.

Kalau nak undi, undi Siber Party Malaysia (M).